
About Me

I write. A lot. But in an unmanageable way. I have my notes everywhere. In classic notebooks, on my iPad, on my mobile phone, on paper napkins even. Never managed to sort them out.
It's scribbling more than writing really. About everything and anything. Whatever captures my interest. Being a news and politics junkie, lots of things do. Politics and policies, world affairs, social media (I don't like this term, it isn't that social really), books, food, random occurrences, my life (the last two might be interchangeable at times), weather... Not really on the weather. But I can give it a go.
Let's see if I can make some order out of the general disorder that my notes to self usually are.
I guess this says plenty about me. In any case enough to justify this little scribble to be put under the "about me" category.
One more thing: I am a Slovenian living in Brussels. My day job is with the European Commission. Therefore it seems fair to underline: the views expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone.

Go wild, it rocks!